Yaqiao Li 李雅樵

I am an Assistant Professor in SUAT (深圳理工大学) in Shenzhen, China.

NEWS: Postdocs, PhD/Master, visitors, positions are available. Email: liyaqiao [at] suat-sz.edu.cn

For postdocs/visitors: as long as you work on TCS and related math, you are welcome to contact me. Your research topics do no necessarily have to intersect with mine.
For PhD/Master: SUAT has joint graduate programs with Hong Kong PolyU or University of Macau, etc, your diploma will be from those universities.


I've mainly worked on several topics in complexity and online algorithms, but also have experience in diverse topics.
I was fortunately mentored by Jinpeng An, Hamed Hatami, Pierre McKenzie, Denis Pankratov and Lata Narayanan.
Education: I got my master in pure mathematics from Peking Univeristy, PhD in computer science from McGill university. I did postdoc in University of Montreal and Concordia university.



Publications and Preprints

  1. Joan Boyar, Shahin Kamali, Kim S. Larsen, Ali Mohammad Lavasani, Yaqiao Li, Denis Pankratov, On the Online Weighted Non-Crossing Matching Problem, SWAT 2024.

  2. Yaqiao Li, Mahtab Masoori, Lata Narayanan, Denis Pankratov, Renting servers for multi-parameter jobs in the cloud, submitted, 2024.

  3. Yaqiao Li, Denis Pankratov, Online Vector Bin Packing and Hypergraph Coloring Illuminated: Simpler Proofs and New Connections, LAGOS 2023, arXiv:2306.11241.

  4. Yaqiao Li, Pierre McKenzie, Perspective on complexity measures targeting read-once branching programs, submitted. arXiv:2305.11276.

  5. Shenggen Zheng, Yaqiao Li, Jozef Gruska, Lvzhou Li, Lifting query complexity to time-space complexity for two-way finite automata, Journal of Computer and System Sciences (2024).

  6. Dingyu Zhang, Yaqiao Li, Nadia Bhuiyan, A Tale of Two Organizational Structures, submitted.

  7. Yaqiao Li, Vishnu V. Narayan, Denis Pankratov, Online coloring and a new type of adversary for online graph problems, WAOA 2020, Algorithmica (2022). arXiv:2005.10852.

  8. Lianna Hambardzumyan, Yaqiao Li, Chang's lemma via Pinsker's inequality, Discrete Mathematics, vol 343, iss 1 (2020). arXiv:2005.10830

  9. Yi Tian Xu, Yaqiao Li, David Meger, Human motion prediction via pattern completion in latent representation space, CRV 2019. arXiv:1904.09039. See here for an introduction.

  10. Yaqiao Li, Conflict complexity is lower bounded by block sensitivity, Theoretical Computer Science 856 (2021) 169–172. arXiv:1810:08873.

  11. Yaqiao Li, Trading information complexity for error II: the case of a large error and external information complexity, Information and Computation (2022). arXiv:1809.10219.

  12. Yuval Filmus, Hamed Hatami, Yaqiao Li, Suzin You, Information complexity of the AND function in the two-party and multiparty settings, COCOON 2017, Algorithmica vol 81, 4200–4237(2019). arXiv:1703.07833. Here is the Mathematica code used in this paper.

  13. Yuval Dagan, Yuval Filmus, Hamed Hatami, Yaqiao Li, Trading information complexity for error, CCC 2017, Theory of Computing Vol 14 (2018) Article 6 pp. 1-73. arXiv:1611.06650.

  14. Hamed Hatami, Pooya Hatami, Yaqiao Li, A characterization of functions with vanishing averages over products of disjoint sets, European J. Combin., vol 56 (2016) 81–93. arXiv:1411.2314.

  15. Yaqiao Li, The winning property of mixed badly approximable numbers, Moscow J. Comb. Number Theory, vol 3 issue 1 (2013). arXiv:1212.6584.

A short CV